These regulations apply to all exhibitors, competitors and trade stands at the Bungendore Show. Please make sure you understand and comply with the regulations.
1. The Show shall take place on the Bungendore Racecourse Showground Recreation Area, Mathews Lane, Bungendore. The Show Committee reserves the right at any time to postpone the Show or any event thereof in consequence of the inclemency of the weather, or for any other sufficient cause, to a date, or dates, deemed suitable by the Committee and no entrance fees shall be refundable in the event of such postponement. The reasonableness of the cause or causes for postponement shall be decided by the Committee and their judgement shall be conclusive and not open to question by any exhibitor or other person affected by such appointment.
The Show Committee also reserves the right to restrict the movement of vehicles on the show grounds in the event of substantial rainfall in the days leading up to a scheduled Show. A person must not disobey a reasonable direction given by the Show Society, or a person acting under an authority, about driving, moving, parking or using a motor vehicle on the showgrounds.
2. Exhibitors shall, if required, furnish a statutory declaration, as to bona fides of their exhibits and any exhibitor proved to have knowingly made a false entry for any prize., or to have wilfully infringed any of the Rules, Regulations, etc., shall be subject to all or any of the following penalties: Forfeiture of all entrance fees and prizes, non-admission to exhibit again, or expulsion from the Society.
3. Pavilion entry is restricted to amateur exhibitors. For the avoidance of doubt, an amateur is someone who engages in a pursuit on an unpaid basis.
4. The Society will not be responsible for any accident caused through any exhibit and will not under any circumstances hold itself responsible for any loss or mis-delivery of livestock or other exhibits of any kind or for any damage done thereto.
5. No exhibit, horses, cattle, sheep and dogs excepted, wiII be allowed to be displaced or removed from the ground until after 4 00 p.m. on the day of the Show.
6. All persons exhibiting must accept the decision of the judges appointed by the Committee of the Society and on all protests the decision of the said Committee shall be final and without appeal. Any person or persons found interfering with the judge or judges or who shall be guilty of unseemly conduct to any judge steward or official of the Society shall be subject to the following penalties: Forfeiture of all prizes awarded and owner debarred from entering exhibits the following year.
7. All exhibits to be the bona fide property of exhibitors, unless otherwise specified in the Schedule.
8. All protests against awards posted at the Show must be made in writing and delivered to the Secretary within two hours from the notification of the judge’s award. Such protests, which shall be accompanied by a deposit of $10.00 will be submitted to the Committee or who they may appoint, for decision and they shall be required to state if they consider such protest frivolous or made without due grounds, in which case the deposit may be forfeited.
9. The judges may recommend certificates for any exhibit of special merit not included in the Schedule and may not award prizes in classes in which the exhibitors are not considered to possess sufficient merit.
10. The judges shall have power to disqualify and mark as disqualified any exhibit, which, in their opinion does not comply with the Regulations and shall enter the reason in their books. In the event of any protest or disqualification being upheld, the next award in order shall take the prize.
11. No decorations, cards or award papers, except such as are provided by the Committee, shall be placed on any exhibit or affixed thereto at the exhibition then being held.
12. All special prizes presented to the Society must be for open competition and shall be governed by the rules of the Society.
13. Any exhibits, which, in the opinion of the stewards, may be suffering from any infectious or contagious disease shall be reported to the Secretary, who may order them removed.
14. Vehicles containing supplies will be admitted to the ground free up to 9.00am on the day of the Show, but must leave the ground as soon as unloaded or requested to do so by any of the Stewards or Secretary.
15. No person except those actually in charge of stock, will be permitted to remain in the yard during the adjudication under any pretence whatever. The persons in charge must on no account leave their respective lots unless authorised by the Stewards.
16. Terms and times of admission to the Show. Holders of members’ Tickets, Members of Parliament, Stewards and Judges will be admitted free to the ground on production of their tickets, cards or passes, which are not transferable.
17. Admission to any part of the Bungendore Pastoral, Agricultural and Horticultural Society’s Showground shall be obtained only on payment of such charges as the Committee of the Bungendore Pastoral Agricultural and Horticultural Society may from time to time determine.
18. No person shall be allowed to enter, or having entered, shall be allowed to remain on any part of the grounds, who shall or may offend against any decency either as regards dress, language or conduct.
19. No person shall damage or destroy in any way whatsoever the shrubs, plants flowers or trees growing on or planted in any part of the ground.
20. No person shall climb or jump over the ground fences or gates or cut, damage or destroy in anyway whatsoever fences, gates, plantations or other property on or belonging to the ground.
21. No person shall stick or post any bills, placards, posters or any paper or print whatsoever on any part of the ground or distribute the same within the ground without the authority of the said Committee.
22. Any person offending against any of the foregoing regulations or committing on any part of the ground or in or upon any of the building or erections for the time erected thereon, any of the following offences, shall be removed from the ground and proceeded against according to the laws, notwithstanding that such person shall or may have purchased or shall or may be in possession of a ticket entitling such person admission thereto:
(a) Assaulting any other persons;
(b) Being drunk or disorderly;
(c) Using profane language;
(d) Using any threatening abusive or insulting words;
(e) Behaving improperly or riotously;
(f) Playing or betting at any unlawful game at or with any table or instrument of gaming;
(g) Playing or betting at any game or pretending game of chance;
(h) Being found in any part of the ground and upon demand not producing or surrendering to any person having authority from the said Committee to demand producing or surrender the same, an authority duly authorising admission to the ground;
(i) Being found within the arena in which the stock are being judged during the time judging is going on, without the permission of the said Committee or without lawful excuse and refusing to depart when requested so to do by any of the Committee, or by any official employed by the said Committee to preserve order upon the said grounds.
– Horse schedule
– Pavilion schedule
– Beef Cattle schedule
– Sheep schedule
– General waiver (individual)
– General waiver (bulk)
– Partner carrying waiver
– Ringside Parking Release For Horse Events
- All Trade Exhibitors must trade up to 4.00pm on Show Day.
- All Trade Exhibits must be set up by 8am on Show Day and all vehicles belonging to Trade Exhibitors must be removed from the Trade Space and must park in the designated car park area by 8am on Show Day. The only exception is Trade Exhibitors who trade from a specified vehicle, but this must be indicated to the Trade Space Booking Officer at the time of booking.
- It is a requirement of the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW and the Bungendore PA & H Society Inc that all Trade Space Holders be covered for $20 million Public Liability Insurance, or they must pay Bungendore PA & H Society Inc $10 to allow Public Liability Insurance coverage through the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW.
- All Trade Exhibitors must provide a copy of their Public Liability Insurance and make payment for their Trade Space prior to setting up their Trade Exhibit on Show Day.
For more information contact the trade space booking officer: Ph 02 6236 9571 or 0407 484 063.
Or send an email via our Contact Form.
Apply for a Trade Space here
To enquire about advertising on our website, send our advertising officer an email via our Contact Form.