$20 per year (adult)
$10 per year (youth – 15 to 17 years)
The benefits of membership:
- Voting rights at Show Society Committee Meetings
- Two entry passes to the show held on the last Sunday of January each year (value $30.00)
- Automatic entry into the member prize draw on Show Day
Membership Form here.
The Bungendore Show relies exclusively on a volunteer workforce. It is a testament to the efforts of these volunteers over the years that the Show not only survives but flourishes. Volunteering at the Show is a rewarding way to be involved in and give back to your community, as well as meeting new people and having heaps of fun.Large numbers of volunteers are required on a short term basis immediately prior to, and during, the Show. They assist in the office, as marshals, directing traffic, with catering, entertainment, trade, and stewarding services across all sections of the pavilion, livestock, horses and dogs.
Longer term volunteers are involved in all aspects of organising the Show and other events, fund raising and working bees throughout the year. There are lifetime members as well as those that help out on the committee for a year or two.
The Show always welcomes new volunteers to undertake any of the roles mentioned above, as well as welcoming back those who have helped in the past.
For those interested, the Committee meets on a regular basis leading up to the Show, usually on a Thursday evening. Meetings are flexible and much can be done via email and telephone. If you would like to become involved with the Bungendore Show in any way please contact General Enquiries here.
The Bungendore Show strives to achieve a blend of commercial and community enterprises providing services during the Show. Actively encouraging community involvement is the key to maximising the support and interest shown in our event each year and we are fortunate that the Bungendore Show is generously supported by the local community, schools and businesses.
If your community group would like to become please download an application form here
If your application involves food, please refer to the NSW guidelines for food handling at temporary events.
If you have any other queries contact General Enquiries here.